by Friendware

Speed Haste Picture


The first thing you'll notice when launching it, except a slick intro, is the graphics and sound. Both which are great, especially the graphics. You can choose between VGA and SVGA. Of course, the latter requires a fast PC (Pentium), but with VGA and a low detail level, a fast 486 will do. Freeing up some memory (e.g. removing Smartdrive) also helps.

Even if the details are nice to watch, the playability is almost the same without. There's also some speech which ads to the atmosphere and gives the right arcadish feeling. The only disappointing with the sound is the motor sound of the stock cars. It doesn't sound like the real thing.

You can choose between formula 1 and stock cars. There's one car of each type in the shareware version, while there are 6 (12) in the registered. The two car types drive very different. E.g. with the stock cars you can skid sideways through the curves - it's not possible with the formula 1 cars.

Speed Haste is not always realistic. For example, a front to front collision in 220 MPH is not deadly - you only loose some speed. The same goes with crashing into walls, billboards etc.

Playing alone is fun, two player is even funnier. But three or four? With an IPX network up four players can race against each other. Two player modes is possible on the same computer (the screen is divided into two), with a link cable or modem.

As in every decent racing game nowadays, you can change the view of the car. The views are close behind, far behind, in the car or from TV cameras. With the latter enabled, it's very hard to drive, but watching it is cool.


You can download a demo of Speed Haste (about 2.91mb) or from another site, Speed Haste.




A Review of Speed Haste at SharePaper.com

Another Review of Speed Haste at P&A shareware