I have graduated from college (on the 18th of December 1997, My photo was on page 91 of the Brisbane Sunday Mail, December 21st 1997) and I am working (Full time now for the Queensland State Government) I don't have a lot of time to spare, so this page might not get updated as much as I would like. But I will keep trying to update it :-) and I will hopefully finish the older games section one day. 
  • 17-10-1998 I passed my Exam on Thursday (I've completed 3 Novell Exams now, only 4 to go to get my CNE).I have also entered my site in a competition called The Site Fights which I saw on the main page of Fortunecity.Com. They have accepted my site so I'll have to but up a banner on my page for the competition now. I have put some towards the bottom of my main contents page.

    I have also placed an order for a Quantum Raven 16mb 3DFX banshee card and an A3D PCI soundcard which should arrive either today or Monday. So I should have San Francisco Rush very soon. I'll try add some PC screenshots then. Does anyone know what the going rate is for Advertising Banners, I was thinking of contacting a few hardware / software suppliers to add to my Hardware / Software section so that I can earn some money for my work on this site. Also if there is any Hardware suppliers / Mail order companies that are interested, could you contact me. My site has now been reviewed by Australian PC Gamer and is in their October Edition, so I believe this could be a good selling point for Advertising on my site as my site is starting to gain some recognition in the PC Gaming Community. 

    Updated the name of a game (Previously I had the name as Intertia, it should have been Inertia - Thanks to Jonatan for this), added new game called Revolt (Thanks to Jonatan once again for this), changed the Lotus Ultimate Challenge demo to a ZIP file instead of an ARJ file which some people were having trouble with, added patch to remove the time limit it the Superbike World Champions demo (Thanks to Ron Almond for this), added two Viper Racing Preview links, added Grand Prix Legend review link, added NFS 3 Patch to allow you to get the Bonus Car, added a Monarco Grand Prix 2 preview link, added two NFS 3 Review links, added a Buggy Review link, updated game developer for World Cup Racing Page, added Wreckin Crew page, added TOCA Championship Racing page, I found out that Nascar '99 and Nascar 3 are different products (According to Australian PC Gamer that is) so I have created separate pages for these (One is made by Sierra and the other by Electronic Arts, although EA is or was a sub company of Sierra last I knew), added a Jeff Gordon Racing page. Thats all for today. 

  • 14-10-1998 Thanks to Mark Reynolds for telling me about Web Tracker (a free page counter) which I am now using on my site as the Fortunecity CGI page counters are under going changes and so are not working. One quick questions for all you Guy's and Gal's out there, Mark is after a way to make the new Superbike World Champions demo run for more than 90 seconds, has anyone found a way? Email me if you have.

    Tomorrow I am sitting my 3rd Novell Exam (IntraNetware 4.11 Installation and Configuration) so after I do this update I will have to do some serious study. 

    There maybe quite a few download links which are not working anymore (some sites may have gone or changed name such as www.3dfxmania.com became www.3dfiles.com), so I will hopefully get around to fixing some of them. If someone has the time to make up a list of broken links I would be greatfull. If you could supply me with replacement links that would also be much appreciated as it takes a fair bit to keep this site up and running by myself. I will try and collect the download pages from www.3dfiles.com to update most of the links (someone may want to collect them and send them to me in a zip file, if you are that someone, thanks in advance). Other sites to look for the demo's include Lord Soth's and Gamedemo.com which are listed on my Other Driving Game Sites, they also have cheats which may not be listed on my site. 

    Added new Viper Racing demo, Added new Powerslide Demo (English Version) thanks to Glenn Davidson from Ratbag games (The Developers of Powerslide) for this info, added new Speed Busters Demo, added link to official Speed Busters Site, added another link to the Grand Prix Legends demo, added Patch for Grand Prix Legends so that it can support Direct 3D (this maybe for the demo or the full game, anyone know?), added link to four new Monster Truck Madness 2 tracks, Added new Monster Truck Madness 2 track editor (Thanks to a Guy called Bill for telling me about this), added links to two Monster Truck Madness sites (with tracks available to download), updated Nascar 3 name to Nascar 99, added Nascar 99 screenshot, added Superbike World Championship preview link,  The Guy's at http://3dracing.allgames.com/ have added some NFS 3 hacks to allow you to add traffic to the car menu's and adjust the weight of the cars, added four NFS 3 review links (There seems to be a never ending supply of reviews on this game), added two Grand Prix Legends review links, added link to Nascar 99 screenshots page, added link to a SpeedBusters Preview, added link to a TOCA review, added link to a Monaco Grand Prix 2 preview, added Redline Racer review link, well thats it for today (possibly this week as I have Novell Exams to sit). 

  • 07-10-1998 Added a link to my Uncles Web Site which I am developing, also added an external page counter.
  • 04-10-1998 added Gamedemo.com to my links to other driving games site page (this site contains alot of demo's including car demo's), added two NFS 3 review links, added cheats for Powerslide demo, added Powerslide demo, added link to Powerslide developers page, added a Deth Karz demo, added new Grandprix Legends demo, Fixed up links to old Grand Prix Legends demo, added link to Grandprix Legend's developer site, added newer Hard Truck demo (it now supports 3D cards), added link to a Hard Trucks info page, added link to a Speed Busters preview, added some new links to the Moon Racer Demo and added file size for demo, added viper racing preview link, added Grand Prix Legends review link, added info about availablity of San Francisco Rush: Alcatraz Edition on the PC (it is available!), added some info on my NFS 3 page to enable dashboards on 8mb 3DFX Voodoo 2 cards, added link to a TOCA review, added link to a Moto Racer 2 preview, added link to a Preview of Superbike World Championship, added link to Powerslide screenshots page.

    I am still not sure what happened to Fortune City's CGI scripts. Hopefully I will get a reply from them soon so that I can get my page counter back up. If someone has some info about external page counters (also one that I could possibly set to the value before the current one broke, if this is not possible I am not worried though) could you email me. Thanks. 

    If you ever want to get San Francisco Rush: Alcatraz edition on your PC you will have to buy the new Quantum Raven 2D/3D card based on the 3DFX Voodoo Banshee chipset. So the game does exist on the PC but has code to limit it to run on this card (not that it couldn't run on other 3D hardware). You can find out more about this card at http://www.quantum3d.com 

  • Anyone at Quantum that reads this, could you guy's possibly send me a card! I'll add a link to my site in exchange and give the card and the San Francisco Rush game a review for you! Email me for my address.
  • 01-10-1998 Added Viper Racing Demo, added California Racing page, added link to a Sanfrancisco Rush 2 preview page, updated link to San Francisco Rush 2 distributors, added link to a preview of Buggy and new screenshots of Buggy, removed an old Buggy screenshot and added a new one, added link to a NFS 3 Site that has an updateable listing of people playing NFS3 and Ghost Cars (Thanks to Sticker_NFS3, I don't know  your real name), added Prost Screenshots, added new NFS 3 car available for download the Spectre R42, there may be some problems with the Colin Mcrae Rally demo (a new version is to be released soon which fixes problems with the Voodoo chipset and other cards), added Interstate 82 preview link. 
  • 29-9-1998 Added Grand Prix Legends screenshots link.
  • 28-9-1998 Updated Sim Racing logo on my links to other driving games sites and the 3dracing mania logo, added Colin McRae Rally Demo (44.8 Mb!!), the official Carmageddon 2 Demo has been released (download it from www.3dfiles.com), added link to Test Drive offroad 2 screenshots and game info, added extra link to Prost Grandprix page.
  • 27-9-1998 I recently purchased three games NFS 3, Motor Cross Madness and Ultimate Race Pro, so I have been busy playing games the last two weekends (I got NFS 3 last week, so I have only played it this weekend). If you have NFS 3 and haven't tried being a Cop yet, give it a go its heaps of fun! Back to the news:
  • I spent just over 7 hours today bringing you this update. I went through over two months backlog of news files, so I hope you appreciate this! I do it for free, but if you want to pay me I don't mind :-) (or send me games instead) 

    Added a Link to the Distributors of Prost Grandprix (http://www.infogrames.co.uk), added link to Motorsports Mania to my other driving game sites page (Thanks to Mark Reynolds, who has also added a link to my site on his page), added link to Alex Gregory's game site (under my other driving games site, this guy sends me regular bits of information about racing games), Added new game Monaco Grandprix Racing Simulation 2 and demo, added Motor Mash page, added new links to SpeedyZone home site, also added new SpeedyZone demo (maybe same as the last one, but the manufacturers contacted me, their message also states that this is SpeedyZone II, so it could be a new one (Thanks to Peter Lin from Digital Point Inc. for this)), added a NFS 3 review, added another link to the Ultimate Race PRo 1.1 beta patch, added new patches for the original Ultimate Race games (1 and 3 track versions), added a Dangerous Driving page and demo, there is going to be an updated Speed Busters demo with better AMD K6-2 support, added NFS 3 Car extractor program so that you can edit the cars, added AMD K6-2 patch for Speedboat Attack, added link to SCARS demo review, added link to the Official NFS 3 site, added info about Lego Racer, Added link to speed busters screenshots, added link to ten Redline Racer reviews, added link to six NFS 3 previews, added links to two reviews of NHRA drag racing, added another link to the Speed Busters Demo, added Speed Busters Preview link, added Motorhead demo review, added link to three Castrol Honda W.S.C. reviews, added link to two F1 97 Championship Edition reviews, added eleven Motor Cross Madness review links, Added two Motor Head full game reviews, added link to seven NFS 3 reviews, added link to Test Drive Offroad 2 movie, added link to two Test Drive 5 previews, added link to Viper Racing interview, added five links to Moto Racer 2 previews, added three Grandprix Legend preview links, added two Monster Truck Madness 2 review links, added Castrol Honda W.S.C. demo review link, added link to SpeedyZone reivew (demo), added Driver Preview link, added Viper Racing Preview link, added two Professional Sports Car racing preview links, added Micromachines 3 preview, added link to Driver info, added link to Grand Prix legends info page, added four Deth Karz preview links, added link to review of race to galamax, added link to a redline preview, added link to interstate 82 screenshots, added link to an Interstate 82 site with game info, added link to Johnny Herberts grand prix world champions page, added link to three Interstate 82 previews, added link to Superbike World Champions screenshots, added another Redline Racer review link, added link to a Deth Karz Review, added link to two TOCA reviews, added link to XLR8 screenshots, added another Motor Head preview link, added link to IRC review, added Grandprix Legends review link, added a link to Gamespots Special review of Driving games on my other driving games sites, changed the Grand Touring Cars picture as I only had some older ones (the new one looks much better), added link to a Colin Mcrae Rally Preview, added link to a Motor Cross Madness site which explains how to edit the tracks beyond what the included track editor is capable of, added link to an interview with Moto Racer 2 developers, Nascar 99 is to be released next month, added link to official Moto Racer 2 site, added link to Thrust Twist and Turn (TTT) screenshots, added Grandprix III page, Added World Circuit Racing page, added another link to Speed Busters screenshots, added Ground Zero Racing page, added link to Motor Cross Madness screenshots, added Hover ski page and demo. 

    A Side point, if your interested in seeing Gran Tourismo on a PC, then check out www.psemu.com (A Playstation emulator for the PC) as in their next version it looks like it is capable of running this game. They have a link to a site where they have taken some screenshots running on their PC. 

  • 21-9-1998 Added Superbike World Championship demo and link to the official homepage, Added new Speedyzone Demo. 
  • 20-9-1998 Fixed up layout of  Johnny Herbert's GrandPrix World Champions (and the name), moved Cisco, Lotus III, and Test Drive 3 demo's from my old globec site (www.globec.com.au/~dboard) to the fortunecity site so that I can fit the CyberBikes demo(4.7mb) on the old site (its a 5mb site), Added POD 2 page, Tank Racer Page, Prost Grandprix page, added Patch / Drivers to fix a problem where POD does not detect 3DFX hardware with newer 3Dfx drivers, added new NFS3 Demo (17.5mb) and cheats for NFS3 PC version, added Powerslide Preview link (Thanks to Jonatan Antonson), added link to Moto Racer 2 movies (Thanks to Jonatan again), added link to Viper Racing Screenshots (thanks to Jonatan), added link to a NFS 3 game review (Thanks to Jonatan), added link to a Speed Busters demo review (thanks to Jonatan), added Driver game preview link (Thanks to Jonatan), added new SCARS Demo.
  • I still haven't gone over my news files starting from the 29/7/1998 to the present, so there are still tons more links to be added to game reviews. Hopefully I will get this done soon as there will only be more news arriving, so it will just keep back logging (and driving me crazy looking at all those files to go and find links to reviews in! Hopefully I will keep my sanity and get this done. :-) ) Boy don't I wish I was payed to do this site so that I could spend all day keeping it up to date and give the site a redesign (as well as finish that older driving games section). Back to reality. Hopefully I will be able to complete these updates soon. 

  • 17-9-1998 I finally got around to locating the Cyber Bikes demo, its 4.74mb, so I will try and find somewhere to put it, I may have the room on my old web site. I will add some more updates (such as new demo's, POD 2 info etc. on the weekend). I also added the name of another older driving game, Over Drive (I have a demo for this game as well, but will need to find somewhere to store it). I also have demo's for BC Racer, Powerdrive. 
  • 08-9-1998 Added another Link to my Other Driving games page (located towards the top of my main games page) to Lord Soth's Games site which has heaps of game cheats as well as driving games demo's.
  • Added SpeedBuster info link, added Grand Touring Demo hack to allow extra tracks, Added NFS 3 Demo hack to allow weather changes and increase the speed of the car, A Demo hack for Carmageddon 2 is available and can be downloaded from http://3dracing.allgames.com/ftp/utilites/carma2hack3.zip (80kb) it allows you to race an extra 8 cars, added three new Motor Cross Madness tracks, added new Motor Cross Madness link (to a Site dedicated to this game), added Grand Touring car demo sound patch, added Motor Cross Madness Review link, added two Interstate 82 preview links, added two NFS3 preview links,  added Grand Touring demo review link, added Moto Racer 2 preview link, added new links to Burnout Car downloads and instructions on how to install the cars, added Colin Mcrae Rally Cheats, added Banner on my other Links page to Sim-racing.com, Updated the name of publisher of GP 500 thanks to Richy from germany and Jeroen who both emailed me, I also added some details about GP 500, Added link to a Colin Mcrae Rally Site (Thanks to Kenneth, the site developer for the email) - This site has info about the PC Demo and possibly a link to the demo (its 50mb uncompressed), added Colin Mcrae Rally Demo info from Kenneth's site to my site (with source reference quoted, hope this is okay Kenneth :-) ), thats it for this update. I still have more review / preview links and other stuff (just over 1 months worth of news to sift through). 

  • 07-9-1998 Added Proper links to Speed Buster Demo, also I realised I had doubled up on the game Lombard Rally, so I removed the second reference on my main page. I would have made a few more updates, but I had to make some additions to my Interview / Article with Australian PC Gamer. The second edition of PC Gamer is also supposed to be a special edition on Racing Games, so I suggest you might like to buy it :-) (I am not really trying to suck up to the publishers, just promoting a good thing!! :-) )
  • 06-9-1998 Added Speed Buster Demo, Added new Bounty Hunter Demo and Added new Johnny Herbert's Grand Prix Championship 1998 demo, added newer Motorhead Demo, added a link to 27 new cars for Burnout and I added a Motor Cross Madness track. I have also been interviewed by Australian PC Gamer Magazine, their second issue should be in stores soon (it may even have a photo of me so you can finally see what I look like, that will make you puke!! Only joking).
  • Also I added the names of a few older driving games which I found in some 1995 PC Format magazines. 

    I will also added the last months game reviews hopefully next weekend to all the appropriate driving games pages. I also located the reference to a very old game called Celica GT-Rally, it was made by Gremlin (not sure when) but was reviewed in PC Format Issue 13, so the game does indeed exist. 

  • 25-8-1998 I had a great break, went Snow Boarding and got cold in the snow. Anyway back to the updates. A few demos have been released since I left. Moto Racer 2 demo was released the day after I did my last update, Moto Cross Madness demo is also now out. My web space has now been updated to 20mb per site so I now have a total of 40mb of space, so I should be able keep updating this site for a while without running out of space. Anyway here are the updates:
  • Added Moto Racer 2 Demo, Motor Cross Madness Demo (Thanks to Eugene O'Donnell who emailed me about this even though I already new about the demo, keep on informing me everyone!), TOCA 2 page (Thanks to Mark Rael for the link to the info), Viper Racing Page, Race to Galamax Page and demo, Johnny Herbert's Grand Prix Championship 1998 Page and demo (Thanks to Casey Carpentiere for informing me about the game), Roadkill 2050 Page, Micro Machines V3 page, Added new Grand Touring Car Demo (Formally called Super Touring Car) and adjusted game name, added a new Driving Games links site and added a few links (Bobby Glover, I added a link to your page as well for you), added some GP 500 news, a Carmageddon 2 Demo has been released and can be found at www.3dfiles.com,  I also have many more game preview / review links to add but I will do this another time. 

  • 31-7-1998 This will be my only update for the next few weeks (well at least two, but hey thats how long it was before this update, I haven't felt like doing much lately) as I am going on three weeks vacation, I will be back in Brisbane during my third week but I am going to try study hard for my Novell Advanced Admin course which is the next step on the way to getting my CNE from Novell, so I probably won't update it much during this time. Plus I will have to go to my regular news sites, www.agn3d.com (which was Operation 3DFX www.op3dfx.com (it broke into two sites www.agn3d.com and www.3dnews.net, but they contain pretty much the same info) and www.3dfiles.com (3DFX Mania) to collect two or three weeks worth of news. At 3dfxmania could you also collect the download pages for patches / demo's related to driving games. If someone wants to send me a copy of all the HTML in one zip file in about two weeks time it will save me some time.
  • If you decide you want to do this email me first, and I will only select one person so that I don't get a few hundred email messages with the same data. If there are any new screen shots, could you just give me the URL to the images and I will get them later so that my mail box does not get clogged up. Thanks in advance. 

    Anyway, back to the updates. 

    Added Redline Racer Preview, added two Castrol Honda game Reviews, added eight Motor Cross Madness previews, added Voodoo 2 / Ati Rage 2 patch for Castrol Honda W.S.C., Added new Castrol Honda W.S.C. demo, added new game called Driver by Reflections, a Voodoo 2 patch for Carmageddon is now available (click here to download), added new link to the extra two tracks for Moto Racer, added X-Car Voodoo Rush and Voodoo 2 patch, added Press release from EA for NFS III Pc version, added Sega Rally 2 preview, added official Test Drive Offroad 2 page link, added another two MTM 2 game reviews, added preview comparison of Motor Cross Madness and Redline Racer, Digital Sports has released another Inside Cyber Racing Article, added two Moto Racer 2 previews, added link to a Redline Racer Screensaver, added two Motorhead Reviews, added link to Al's Moto Racer Page, added Grand Prix Legends preview, added Motorhead site link, added Motorhead car builder / track builder info links, added Power Boat Racing review, added N.I.C.E. 2 preview, added Interstate 82 interview, Motor Cross Madness has Gone Gold (meaning it will be instore soon or it maybe already out), added NFS3 page link, added some more info about Test Drive 5, added a link to some new NFS 3 screenshots, a Carmageddon 2 demo maybe out by now (click here to go to the fan site), there are some NFS3 video clips at www.agn3d.com (26th of July news), added link to some Test Drive 5 screenshots, added Interview with producers of Deth Karz, Changed Deth Karz screenshots over to some more recent ones, added link to MTM 2 game tornament, added newer Test Drive 5 screenshots (PC Version), added New Game Vapor TRX, added Deth Karz AVI links, changed one Sega Rally 2 screenshot over to a newer one, added names of two Sierra Racing games (World Cup Racing and Stadium Trucks Off Road Racing) and I added a Grand Prix 500 page (thanks to J.R.M. van de Kamp). I also added a NFS 3 Demo, and new patch for Burnout. 

  • 14-7-1998 I have rebuilt my PC a few times after mucking around with a few apps which killed my FAT table, I eventually got the app going (NT 5 Beta 1), and am now reseting up my PC. Plus I have been busy with a few other things lately so the page has not been updated that much even though there have been a few new demo's released. Anyway, back to the game news:
  • I have added a S.C.A.R.S. page, a Hard Truck page (Thanks to Kris Heslin for telling me about this game), a Professional car driving simulator page, a Car Races - VR entertainment complex page, added a Bounty Hunter Alpha Demo, Added a S.C.A.R.S. demo, Hard Truck Demo, Pro Car Driving simulator Demo and a graphics preview of Car Races, added a second name for Buggy (its also called Team Losi RC Racer), added link to a Gran Turismo page (thanks to Shane Omni), added new Castrol Honda Voodoo 2 patch, added new Voodoo 2 Moto Racer patch, added new Speedy Zone demo, there are now three AVI files of Deth Karz available from there site and I have some Sega Rally 2 shots which I may put up when I do my next update. I also have to add some links to game reviews in my next update. 

  • 27-6-1998 Added New Game Intertia (thanks to Jonatan Antonson), Added new game Speed Busters, added new game Professional SportsCar Racng (also know as SportsCar Supreme GT on another web site), added old game page Auto Duel (Thanks to Brian from AOL.COM don't know your last name), added more info and screenshots to Powerslide page, added link to a preview of Powerslide, added Motor Cross Madness preview link, added two Motor Racer 2 preview links, added two redline racer game previews, added NFS 3 preview, Added NFS 3 screenshots, added link to a NFS3 site, added Motorhead Review link, fixed up Motor Head cheats, added Motorhead patch 1.4, added new Castrol Honda WSBC voodoo 2 patch, checkout the game editors section of Need For Speed Online for a whole heap of track and car editors for NFS,NFS SE, NFS II, NFS II SE.
  • 18-6-1998 Added Voodoo 2 Patch for Formula 1 by Psygnosis.
  • 17-6-1998 First of all a side point, I have just got my Novell CNA for IntraNetware 4.11 (actually got it on the 2nd of June but the Badge and Certificate arrived today). The exam wasn't that hard and I now have the CNE study guide (lots of reading ahead of me and about six exams).
  • Now back to my site: I have gotten an extra 10mb of webspace (at a different location so I will have to spread my pages across to the other site) as I ran out of room (again) on my current 10mb website. 

    I also received my first Demo CD from a games company this week (Beam Software an Australian software company sent me a CD with some screenshots and a big video of their upcoming game DethKarz) all I can say is if any other companies would like to send me some demo CD's please do, contact me via email and I will supply you with my address details. 

    Now to the updates made to my page this time: Added Ultimate Race Rally page (thanks to Bart de Jong for emailing me about this game), Added A.D. page, added TTT (Thrust Twist 'n Turn) page, added more info and a few screenshots to my Streetrod page (Thanks to Ian Seely), moved a few pages over to my new site, added description of my home PC for anyone who is interested to the Hardware / Software page, added new Burnout Patch (Version 1.22), added new Super Touring Cars demo, added link to review of MTM2, added link to a Redline Racer preview and a Review, added Motorhead patch version 1.3, added possible English demo of Nice 2 (35mb), added a Monster Truck Madness 2 Track Editor, added link to the game producer of Carmageddon II which has new info on the game, added link to Castrol Honda W.S.B.C. game review, there are some Redline Racer video clips , desktop themes etc. over at ubisofts site, and finally UDS  have posted some more ghost cars for their game Ignition. 

  • 8-6-1998 Added Ferrari Formula One page (Thanks to Ian Seely), added Test Drive 5 page, added Test Drive Offroad 2 page, added Interstate 82 preview (and a few details to my page from this page), added link to a Real Video review of Redline, Test Drive 5 and Test Drive Offroad 2, added Castrol Honda Superbike World Champions review link, added new Nice Demo (demo no.4, 24.5 mb), added Redline Racer Preview, added Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA page, Click Here for a Review of the Ultimate Per4mer Force Feedback steering wheel, added links to two MTM2 reviews, added link to Redline Racer information page by Ubisoft France, updated Deth Karz page (Thanks to Judy from Beam software for the info), added link to an Ignition page with patches, ghost cars and other things to download for this game, added link to Motor Cross Madness download page (includes video clips and other things), added heaps of cheats for Motor Head (Thanks to Stigge Quist), added Motor Head patch version 1.3, thats all for this update.
  • 29-5-1998 Added some info about Faulty Castrol Honda Superbike World Champions CD's, added link to Interview with Interstate 82 programmer, added link to a Trans-Am Racing preview, added some screenshots to Trans-Am Racing and more game info, added Burnout patch, added cheats for Motorhead, added info on how to activate an Extra track in Monster Truck Madness 2, added game preview of Motorcross Madness, added link to Interstate 82 game preview,  there are some screenshots of the PC version of NFS3 at allgames.com E3 page they are on page 4, added link to a 3rd Nice 2 demo, added links to preview of Nice 2, added extra download links to Nice 2 demo's and info about a 4th Nice 2 demo to be released on the 1st of June, and finally I added some Indy 500 info and screenshots (thanks to Ian Seely)
  • 18-5-1998 Added Super Touring Car demo (from Elite Systems), added Motorhead Demo (3DFX and Software), added link to three Monster Truck Madness 2 preview, Added link to Grand Prix Legends preview, Electronic Arts will be publishing TOCA in the US, added link to Newman Hass info, added link to Castrol Honda W.S.C. review, added link to Ubisoft F1 Racing Simulation review, added Link to Formula 1 97 Championship Edition preview, added picture to Interstate 82 page, Added info on how to play the Second Track in the Motorhead demo, added link to Moto Racer 2 screenshots, added link to Motorhead homepage (Thanks to Glenn Shiver of Shiv Studio's), Glenn Shiver has links to new Motorbike Skins for Redline Racer at his page for this game, added some new Redline Racer screenshots and removed some older ones, added two new KPH screenshots and removed one older one.
  • 13-5-1998 Added link to Motor Head Preview, Added Voodoo 2 patch for Formula 1 97 Championship Edition, added new patch for Direct 3D to Sega Touring Car Championship page, added link to another three MTM 2 reviews, Castrol Honda Superbike World Champions has been released and there is some competition on with prizes (check out http://www.intense-games.com/ for more details), Added N.I.C.E. 2 demo (2 versions of the demo 8mb and 20mb and a 3rd one 23mb is coming out soon (thanks S Weingert) and thanks to Thorebring for a URL to the demo), added Powerboat Racing review, Added link to Have a Nice Day demo (Thanks once more to S Weingert), added link to IRC Voodoo 2 patch (a general patch for other things as well), added Motor Cross preview, I am removing the Grand Prix 97 page as this game is actually Psygnosis Forumla 1 game with a newer patch to fix some Voodoo 1 problems etc. (Thanks to Nathan Holland for pointing this out), Added link to a patch for S40 racing (The game is based on the Motorhead engine) thanks to Nathan Holland for this info, added new page for a game called Mars Maniacs, added link to official S40 Racing page, added link to Street Rod 1 and 2 page (check this site out if you like drag racing type games, thanks to Amin Sayour for the info), added new Screenshots to Superbike World Championship page (Thanks to on of the Producers - Superbike World Championship), and finally I added a link to a patch for the three track version of Ultimate Race.
  • 6-5-1998 Fixed up the name of Castrol Honda  motor bike game after I accidently got it confused with Superbike World Championship (my fault, sorry to the programmer from there that I gave a heart attack when he looked my update). He also sent me some updated screenshots which I will add later.
  • 3-5-1998 Added Powerslide page, Added Demo for Monster Truck Madness 2, Added Sega Touring Car Champ patch for Direct 3D support, Added Screamer Rally Voodoo 2 patch, Added F1 Racing Simulation Patch 1.09, added a link to a site in the UK which will be sort of like a mirror site (the guy will be using alot of info from my site to make his driving games site). The URL is www.wolfenstein.demon.co.uk . I have updated the Dodgem Arena Page, updated the name of my Superbike World Championship page (I had called it World Superbike Challenge) and added some info about the game sent to me by one of the Game Producers, added link to a Redline Racer page, Added link to a POD page, added link to Burnout game review, added link to Moto Racer 2 preview, Microsoft have also anounced a force feedback steering wheel, added link to F1 Racing Simulation Review, a demo of Motor Head is suppost to be released on the 10th of May, Added link to Official Motor Head site, Added Beja 1000 Racing page, added link to Bounty Hunters official homesite. Thats it for today!
  • 30-4-1998 Added Top Gear Rally Page, added link to Interstate 82 info page, Added link to Interstate 76 Arsenal review, Added link to information on the Making of Redline Racer and some game tips, a Force Feedback racing wheel has been released, click here for a review, I bought myself a Thrustmaster GP1 wheel (not the flashest wheel around, but makes a heck of a difference in driving games), added review of Ultimate Race Pro, added link on burnout page to the Simulated Hot Rod Association where you can compete with others for prizes, added link to New Burnout car, added link to another two Motor Head previews, added Nice 2 page, added link to Castrol Honda preview, added some news about F1 racing Simulation in the patches section of that game (new tracks etc.), added link to some motor head screenshots and other motor head stuff, Udated Need For Speed Online link on all of my NFS pages and added a heap of links to my NFS 2 page, added extra Nascar 2 demo link, added links to more locations to download grand prix legends, added new location to download a demo of Indy Car Racing 2, added link to new tracks for Nascar 2, added extra location to download SODA offroad racing, added Bounty Hunter page, Added Cyclemania page to the older games section,  and finally Dodgem page. I also fixed up the name of the game manufacturer for Outlaw Racers, I had Monolith, but it was infact Megamedia (sorry, and thanks to Raaj Menon from Mega Media for pointing this out),  I also added a link to Keith Quinton's Colin Mcrae Rally homepage.
  • 17-4-1998 New Demo Bethesda changed their mind and have made a Demo of Burnout - you can download it from my Burnout page, added extra link to Burnout addon car, added New Jet Moto game patch, added two new screenshots of World Superbike Challenge (formerly superbikes), Added Ultimate Race Pro patch (beta version), added some Details about the Playstation version of NFS3 (until the PC version is released), added link to the official MTM 2 site, added some more details about Insterstate 82, added link to Ultimate Race Pro review, added link to a Redline Racer preview and I added a link to another F1 Racing Simulation Review.
  • 12-4-1998 Added Cico Heat page in older games section and a demo for this game.
  • 10-4-1998 Added links to two new demo's (Grand Prix Legends and Formula 1 '97 Champ. Edition), added link to another three previews of Monster Truck Madness 2, added a patch for Burnout, added link to Power Boat racing review, added link to Grand Prix Legends video clip, added link to Glide patch for Microsoft Cart Precision Racing (for 3DFX cards), Added link to Carmageddon II screenshots, added link to interview with MTM 2 programmer, added some news about Ultimate Race Pro patch, added link to Ultimate Race Pro review, added link to F1 Racing Simulation review, added link to Andretti Racing review, Added new game page for Grand Prix '97 (a possible new game, which I need more info about), added link to Burnout addon (adds a car and track), if you are after game cheats / trainers check out this site , Added redline racer cheat and I added an Andretti Racing cheat.
  • 01-4-1998 Added link to Redline Racer Demo patch (Benchmark program for D3D), Added link to Nascar 2 3DFX beta Patch, Added link to Newman Has Racing Video clips, Added link to F1 Racing Simulation 1.08 patch, Added link to International Rally Championship (IRC) version 4.68 patch, Added link to IRC network patch, IRC CH Pedal Patch, IRC Extra Track, IRC Joystick Patch, Added link to new Motorhead Screenshots (thanks to Jonatan Antonson), Added extra links to download Andretti Racing Glide patch (3DFX), Added extra links to Daytona USA Deluxe D3D patch, Added Formula F1 page and link to 3DFX patch for this game, added Gran Turismo game page (possibly this will be coming out for the PC, if licensing issues are resolved, check out next-generation interview for details), added extra links to Ignition 3DFX patch release 2, added extra Interstate 76 Gold patch download links, Added new Jet Moto patch links, added extra links for Sega Manx TT patch, Added link to Monster Truck Madness patch, added 3DFX screenshot to Nascar 2 page, added link to Game Centre's Nascar 3 Preview, Updated demo size details for Network Q-Rac rally, Updated speedy zone patch info, Added stunt car racer page to older games section, Added links to extra Test Drive 4 patch download locations, Added extra links to TOCA patch download locations, added link to a Whiplash 3DFX patch update, Added link to another Interstate 76 Arsenal Demo, added link to Castrol Honda motor bike screenshots, added link to another Monster Truck Madness 2 preview, Added Interstate 82 page, added link to another MTM2 preview, 
  • 29-3-1998 Removed Forsaken, Quarantine and Road Warrior, as these are more descent/doom type games rather than driving, Added screenshot of Street Rod game, Added info about screamer 2 patch to fix some problems with some video cards in 65,000 colours at 640x480, Added new Demo for Streets of Simcity, added links to more download locations for Sega Rally Championship patch, added link to Speedboat Attack screenshots, added link to Interstate 76 Arsenal review, Burnout has been released.
  • 18-3-1998 I have been busy lately plus I ran out of Internet time, anywhere here is my next update. I have also updated the Java Applet so it should work now (the last copy had some upercase names in it, and this web site only takes lower case file names), I have added a game description to the Castrol Honda Superbike page, Added links to Demo's of Castrol Honda Superbikes, Added Formula 1 Championship Edition page, added game Description for Street Rod (Thanks to Fuelish for the email), There are 3 New cars for POD (All are formula 1 cars), Added links to Redline Racer Demo, Added extra link to Interstate 76 Gold patch for Interstate 76, Added link to Andretti Racing 3DFX Glide patch, Added info about Interstate 76 Voodoo 2 workaround, Added link to Psychogamer screenshots of Outlaw Racer, A 3DFX patch for Nascar 2 might now be available at Operation 3DFX, Added link to Powerboat Racing Review, Added link to Patch for Voodoo 2 owners for the Castrol Honda Demo, Added link to Burnout Car Viewer, Added info about Redline Racer cheats / modifications to the demo, Added link to Redline Racer Demo review and a few other game reviews (could not be bothered adding all the names), Added link to new Deth Karz screenshots, 
  • 4-3-1998 Added link to F1 Racing Simulation Patch 1.07 (D3D & 3DFX) and a link to Force Feedback Patch for F1 Racing Simulation, Added Ground Effect page, Added new game page for Starting Grid, Added a Java Applet, a text scroller made by my Best Friend Kim Groves (there's a link to his page in my Personal Page section, thanks Kim!) he hopes to eventually support HTML tags so that it looks a bit cleaner when scrolling HTML, but I think its good for his Second Java applet ever, Added link to official XLR8 homepage, Added Moto Extreme 2 game page, Added Motor Cross Madness page, Added link to XLR8 screenshots, Added link to Road Rash 3D screenshots, Added link to Buggy Preview, Added link to Burnout Preview, Added link to Streets of Simcity Review, Added link to MS Carts 1.0a review, According to Info at Operation 3DFX there will not be a Burnout Demo :(, Added link to official Newman/Hass racing homepage, Added link to NFS 3 preview, Added link to MS Cart Precision Racing track editor, Added link to Sega ManxTT review, Added link to two Grand Prix Legend Preview's, Added link to another Burnout Preview, Added link to Voodoo Racing (a 3DFX racing site, you can find the link on my Links page under my Personal Page), A second demo of Ultimate Race Pro will be coming out that fixes a few bugs and increases the frame rate, there are 3 new cars available for POD (get them from Operation 3DFX or QBall's page) The cars are Formula 1 vehicles, added link to Colin McRae Rally screenshots, Added link to Interstate 76 Gold Patch (its 80 mb!!), Added link to Jonathan Koscik Need for Speed page, updated info about my average hits on my Hardware/Software page (its now about 800 to 1000 each week which means it has dropped from a few months back where it peaked at about 1300 / week), Added extra links to download locations for Powerboat racing and added a cheat for the demo, added cheat to get Frame Rate in Moto Racer and finally if you are after a fairly comprehensive listing of Game Manufacturers sites goto Lord Soth's.
  • 17-2-1998 Added NHRA Drag Racing page, Added link to Grand Theft Auto Page (a car driving / theft game similar to Carmageddon if your into this type of game, a demo is available for this game), Added extra name for Screamer Rally (Speed Rally, as it is called in Australia, thanks to Cheeky Machine for this info), Interstate 76 Nitro demo has been released (31 Mb!) and I have added a link to this demo on my Interstate 77 page, Outlaw Racer Demo will be out in the second week of March, Added link to official Motorhead Homepage, Added link to another Interstate 76 Nitro pack preview, Updated IRC patch (new version 4.66), Added link to a New Microsoft Cart Precision Racing Demo, Added link to Sega Touring Car Championship page, Added link to Sega Touring Car Championship Demo, Added link to Motorhead screenshots, Added link to three MS Monster Truck Madness 2 previews, Added link to Ultimate Race Pro Game Ladder, Added link to Operation 3DFX's POD addon section, Added link to XLR8 screenshots, Added info to MS Cart Precision Racing page for getting a FPS output, Added link to Newman/Hass racing, Added link to new Buggy screenshots, Added some more Buggy Screenshots, added Microsoft Carts Review, Added review of Streets of Simcity, Added screenshots and details about Moto Racer 2, Added link to screenshots for Ford Challenge, Added link to screenshots for Redline, Added Utility / Patch to NFS2 SE page (for Joysticks), Added link to Preview of Buggy, Added a link to a Motorhead preview, Added another link to Microsoft Monster Truck Madness 2 screenshots, Codemasters will be bringing TOCA to the arcade, added extra name for International Rally Championship (its called Tommi Makinen Rally in Finland), Added link to two Ultimate Race Pro previews, Added link to Grand Prix Legends Preview, Added link to Game Review of F1 Racing Simulation, added link to Colin Mcrae Rally screenshots page and added some screenshots to my page, added a link to a preview of ABC Interactive's Indy Racing: Road to the Indianapolis 500, Added another link to a Test Drive 4 review, Added Castrol Honda Superbike World Champions page, Added link to Speedyzone Network Patch, Added Thundercrome page, Added Autobahn page and I added a Trucks 3DFX page, Added game Preview link to Road Rash 3D, added names of some older driving games Vette and Cisco Heat (I have a demo for Cisco Heat, and will upload it later).
  • 29-1-1998 Added Monster Truck Madness 2 Page, Added Motohead Page, Added Reno Air Racing page, added link to Ultimate Race Pro preview, Added some info about Ultimate Race Pro demo patch, Added link to Screamer Rally Patch, Added link to official Colin Mcrae Rally homepage, Added link to new Redline Racer Screenshots, Added info about the  original version of Ultimate Race, removed old technical details from Ultimate Race Pro page.
  • 26-1-1998 First of all thanks to everyone who emailed me with info about free Websites. Now what have I done to my page: Added Sega Rally 2 Page, Added Auto Destruct Page, Added descriptions to Test Drive 1,2, & 3 pages, added screen shots to Test Drive 3 page, fixed up the background colour on a few pages (in the older games section) which currently don't have game information, fixed up the title of my track attack page, Added Newman/Hass Racing Page, Split Ultimate Race Page into Ultimate race and Ultimate Race Pro, Added S40 page , Added Powerboat Racing Page (A demo is also listed on the page), Added Have A Nice Day page, Added Ford Challenge Page, Added K.P.H. page, Added Super Touring Car Page, Added Moto Racer 2 Page, Added Trans-Am Racing page, Added Colin McRae Rally page, Fixed up indentation on Need For Speed page, Added HTML so that you can vote for my site, so that it can win a Site of the Day award, Added links to Ultimate Race Pro Demo (I recommend this game if your PC has enough power, the graphics with a 3DFX card are just Awesome), Added new Moto Racer Polygons patch (version 3.2), Added Streets of SimCity patch, Added extra link to Cart Precision Racing paint kit, Fixed up IRC and Network Q-Rac rally pages; I had Network Q-Rac rally details on the IRC page, sorry :( (Thanks to Liu Jin for pointing this out), Added links to download locations for the 2 moto racer addon tracks, Added links to addon cars for Monster Truck Madness that you can download, Added Patch for MS Cart Precision Racing (improves graphics, opponent AI and other things), Added patch to TOCA page, Updated Need for Speed 2 SE tracks and cars addons, Added link to NFS 2 SE patch, Added some more game details to Burnout Page, Added link to Burnout Preview, Added link to the official Outlaw Racers homepage, Updated NFS 2 SE cheat car names thanks to Jeffrey Choo, added some info about an extra track inside a track in TOCA (thanks to Iain Dyche), Added Daytona USA Deluxe Direct 3D patch, Added New Test Drive 4 patch, Added Game Review to Manx TT page, Added a link to some new Redline Racer Screen Shots, Added some press release details about Redline Racer, Added game review to F1 Racing page, Added 4 Redline Racer Preview links, Added link to Jet Moto game review, added 3DFX patch news to both Soda offroad racing page, Added link to Preview of NFS 3, Added link to 2 Test Drive 4 reviews, Added link to Andretti Racing review, Added info about Interstate 76 Gold Edition patch (which will be available for download), There might be a playable demo of Redline out before Febuary and in stores in Febuary, Added link to Road Rash 3D game Preview, Added link to the official Redline page at accolade (has some new screenshots on it), Added some news about San Francisco Rush (PC version), Added review link to NFS 2 SE page, Added review link to Cart Precision Racing, Burnout Should be released in March 1998, Added game review to Daytona USA Deluxe, Added link to Interstate 76 Nitro Pack Preview. I Also added screenshots to Sega Touring car Championship and Manx TT pages.
  • 22-1-1998 I have finally finished updating the links to images and pages on my new web site (as this new site converted everything to lowercase). Added new link to Lotus 3:The Ultimate Challenge Demo, Ultimate Race Pro demo was released yesterday (I will add a link soon, check Operation 3DFX for a link), added links to Test Drive 3 Demo and Test drive 3 patch, I will also create pages for all the new games listed on my main page soon.
  • 20-1-1998 Still adjusting some of my links on my new site, as the Web Server has translated all of my files into lower case, breaking some of my links. Also it has removed some characters from the names of my Images, so I will have to adjust these also.
  • 18-1-1998 I now have a 10 Mb account at Fortune City (www.fortunecity.com), I have almost completed transferring and updating my pages (I can't create an Images directory, so I have had to go through each page and make sure my links to images are pointing to the right location), I also have quite a few more games to add to my page, some patches and game news (I will try to add them this weekend, today). I have updated my link name to www.f1racing.com (as requested by the site), added the Racing Simulation Web Ring logo.
  • 8-1-1998 Added Need for Speed 3 page, added Flyby page, added Death Rally (2D driving type game) page (Thanks to Alexander Gregory for a link to a Demo, I was going to leave this game out for a 2D driving site, but since he was kind enough to supply a link I'll make a page for this game). I might actually make a 2D driving games page if I get a larger web site. There are other games such as Power Drive, Micromachines 1&2, Death Rally(already listed), Super Offroad and a few others which are really 2D driving games. But then again I would need more time to do this, but I'll wait and see how things go first. Updated F1 Racing Simulation page link as www.f1racing.com is the Unoffical not Official F1 racing site, Added some Editors to Need for Speed 2 SE page, Added another F1 Racing Simulation Review, added link to an interview with F1 Racing Simulation authors, Added game Preview link to Speed boat attack page, Added some info about Sanfrancisco Rush, Added link to Games Domain review of Screamer Rally (The guy who reviewed this game actually emailed me as I was the only site he could find about Screamer Rally with his search engine, I gave him some links to the official Screamer Rally sites), Added links to Interstate 76 Nitro pack preview, Added info about the two Moto Racer addon tracks, Added another link to the New Screamer 2 3DFX patch, Added link to a review of Test Drive 4, Added link to new International Rally Championship Patch, Added links to POD force feedback patches, Added link to Ocean on GT Racing page, and fixed up links to Operation 3DFX, they can now only be accessed through www.op3dfx.com. Adjusted link to X-CAR 3DFX demo version, old link was bad. Also one finale point, I noticed that a screen shot for Grand Tour Racing and Total Drivn are exactly the same, so I am not sure if Grand Touring Racing is really the same game, however these games are listed as having different manufacturers. If anyone can find any info on this situation please email me.
  • 7-1-1998 My page is now part of the The Board Of Racing Simulation Web Sites (you can find the link buttons on the bottom of my main page, this allows you to goto other driving game sites). As stated on my main page I am almost out of space for my web site. I have contacted my local ISP and they are unable to sponsor me with a few more Megabytes of web space, so I am looking for a site (possibly a games site such as www.allgames.com, www.gamesmania.com, www.gamesdomain.com etc.) that has about 10 Megabytes for use with my games page. This should give me enough space for the next 6 to 8 months, at which point hopefully this site will allocate some more space to me. I will add a Need for Speed 3 page, Flyby page and some more cheats and patches (hopefully today but possibly by tomorrow to the page) soon.
  • 1-1-1998 My page will be one year old tomorrow, Added Info about NITROXXX test drive 4 cheat, Added Total Drivn page, Added Streets of Simcity Page, Added Formula Karts Page, Added Monster Trucks Page, Added Road Rash 3D page, Added new pictures to the Mad Traxx page, Added link to review of XLR8 (from games domain), Added Speed Boat Attack Page (3D water driving game), Added some F1 Racing Simulation patches, added some details about Sega Touring Car Championship, Added link to Screamer Rally official homepage, Added information about Need for Speed 2 SE patch (how to obtain it), A Daytona USA Deluxe Direct 3D patch will be released in January and Added News about Nascar 2 3DFX patch.
  • 22-12-97 Added Mad Traxx page, Added Jet Moto Page (3D boat racing game, which I think you could classify as a driving game), Added link to the Official Screamer 2 3DFX patch from Virgin (German version currently), Added Review of Daytona USA Deluxe by Digitalsports, An enhancement patch for Microsoft Carts will be released by Terminal Reality (adds more realism and a higher frame rate),  Added Game Power review of Microsoft Carts to MS Carts page, Papyrus will be releasing the Date of there Nascar 2 3DFX patch (which will be available for free download) today, a Patch for Need For Speed II SE will be out soon to fix problems with Force Feedback joysticks and add TCP to networking protocols, Added patch / utility for MS Carts to change the car colours, Added preview of Redline to Redline page, Added review of Speedyzone, Added Force Feedback patch to I76 page, Added Ultimate Race Pro preview, Added patch for International Rally Championship.
  • 21-12-97 Added link to Mario Andretti Racing 98 demo, Updated name of Fatal Racing on my Main page (for those of you who don't know that Fatal Racing and Whiplash are the same game), Added link to another Test Drive 4 site, Added another link to the Screamer 2 3DFX patch, Added two patches to the Test Drive 4 page, Added a few extra cheats to the TD4 page, Added Cheats to TOCA page, Added link to Redline page High Gear (not Redline Racer) at GamesMania.com (Thanks to Pretzel) and a small game description, added a few more links to other Redline pages, I registered my page with about five more search engines (so my page count might go up quicker now :-) ), added cheat to Redline Racer (motor bike) page, added some cheats to X-Car page, Added extra cheats to Fatal Racing / Whiplash page, Added Wipeout XL cheats, Added some more download locations for Speedyzone, Sega will be releasing a 3DFX patch for Sega Rally in January (goto operation 3DFX for some screen shots), Added Screamer Rally cheats and a patch for 6 Mb 3DFX card owners, Added heaps of extra cheats for NFS II SE and added a track editor, Added cheats to Monster Truck madness page, Added info about extra patches to Moto Racer page, Added cheats to Formula 1 Page, Added cheats to ignition Racing Page, Added cheats and patches to Interstate 76 page, There is also a Car colour changer available for Microsoft Carts (check terminal reality's page for more details).
  • 15-12-97 Added new Logo (P3D) for my site, removed the frame border in my frames version of this site (and changed the frame layout), put the older driving games section into alphabetical order, updated link to Gremlin (UK) on my Buggy page (www.gremlin.co.uk).
  • 09-12-97 Added patches to the Ubisoft F1 Racing Simulation page (Direct 3D and 3DFX), Added a link to the official F1 Racing Simulation Demo from ubisoft (35 Mb), Added Screamer 2 3DFX patch (I already knew about this, but thanks to Cheeky Machine for emailing me the link anyway), There will be a Voodoo 2 version of Test Drive 4 (added link to preview of this version in the Test Drive 4 page), Added patch to Manx TT page, Added links to POD Patches (check these out if you have pod), Added preview link to Sega's Touring Car Championship page and some updated info about the game, added Speedyzone Page, Updated my page look, Added Test Drive 4 cheats (Thanks to cheeky machine, check out his POD page in my POD section), Added Moon Racer page (Power VR only), updated link to Stunts Page, Updated Manufacturers name for Road Hog (thanks to Evan MacDonald), Andretti 98 has been released, Nascar 2 will be coming out with a 3DFX patch (There is already a Rendition Verite patch), Added game review to Andretti Racing, Added game review of Sega's Manx TT, Added F1 Racing Preview, Soda offroad racing may be coming out with a 3DFX / Direct 3D patch, added details about the Interstate 76 Nitro Pack.
  • 30-11-97 Added Buggy page, Added V-Rally Page, added more download locations for Manx TT, Added a proper link to 2nd Moto Racer Demo, added Track Attack Page (older games section), Added Speedster Page, added new Ignition 3DFX patch, added an updated Moto Racer polygon patch, Added Avault Test Drive 4 review, Added POD news page to POD page.
  • 25-11-97 Added demo of Sega's ManxTT motorbike racing game, added Second Demo to Moto Racer page (I am currently checking the links I have to the second demo, so don't download it yet), added more links to newer POD demo.
  • 23-11-97 Added Demo of Touring Car Championship (TOCA), added links to Stunts page (one with a possible demo / trial version of stunts), Added XLR8 page, Added reviews to Test Drive 4, Need for Speed II SE, Added patch for Ignition Racing, Added Press release for Andretti Racing 98 from EA.
  • 13-11-97 Added NFS II SE bonus cars patch, added Official Test Drive 4 Demo, Added English Language Screamer Rally demo.
  • 10-11-97 Added Nascar 3 page, Added Demo for Screamer Rally, Added Crash page and Lightning Page (both of these games are by CARTS Entertainment) , Added Indy Racing: Road to the Indianapolis 500 page, Added details and screenshots to Ubisoft's F1 Racing Simulation page, Added Grand Tour Racing Page, Added Grand Prix Legends Page, Added release date to Test Drive 4 page, Added patch to Moto Racer page.
  • 2-11-1997 Removed link to Stunts demo (the file does not exist at that location), Added Playable Demo to Microsoft Carts Page, Added Patch to the IndyCar Racing 2 page for the Rendition Verite 3D chipset, Added Voodoo Rush patch to POD page and Added Moto Racer cheats and Patches.
  • 1-11-1997 Updated name of Rally Championship to International Rally Championship. Added Burnout page. Updated Links to Operation 3DFX site (new address http://www.op3dfx.allgames.com), added new Daytona USA Deluxe Demo (I believe this is the Daytona USA Evolution that I have already listed), Added screenshots to Deth Karz Page, Updated Axelerator Page, Updated NFS 2 SE page, Updated Lotus 3: The Ultimate Challenge (added demo), Updated Interstate 77 page, Added link to Soda Offroad Racing page, Updated F1 Racing Simulation page (added a playable Demo and link), Added a link to what might be a stunts demo (if the link works).
Thanks to all the people who send me updated links and information about games. Oh and by the way I can't send anyone originals of any games listed, ok. It's just that a few people have been asking for them. Enjoy the page :-)